Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Project Manager vacancy in JUIDCO 2017

Govt. of Jharkhand
Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company Ltd. (JUIDCO)
Urban Development & Housing Department, 4th Floor, Project Bhawan, Dhurwa, Ranchi- 834004

JUIDCO Ltd., a company under the administrative control of Urban Development & Housing Department, Govt. of Jharkhand intends to recruit professionals for formulation, implementation and monitoring of various Central/State sponsored schemes in the State of Jharkhand. Applications are invited from the suitable candidates for the following positions  :

Vacancies :

  1. Project Manager (Works & Planning) : 02 posts (UR-1, SC-1)
  2. Dy. Project Manager : 04 posts (UR-2, BC II - 1, ST-1)
  3. Assistant Project Manager : 08 posts (UR-4, SC-1, ST-2, BC I - 1)

How to Apply : 

Duly filled application form in prescribed format along with the self attested copy of the proof of age, qualification and experience should be sent through registered post/speed post/courier/by person to the Project Director (Administration), Jharkhand Urban Infrastructure Development Company Ltd. (JUIDCO Ltd.), 3rd Floor, RRDA Building (Pragati Sadan), Near Kutchery Chowk , Ranchi, Jharkhand, 834001 on or before 28/02/2017 only.

Details and online submission of application : 

Please visit  JUIDCO website at to view the details and  application format.

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