Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Recruitment for Teaching and Non-Teaching vacancy in AMU

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
Aligarh , (UP)

Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following Teaching and Non-Teaching job vacancy in various subjects/ disciplines in Aligarh Muslim University  (AMU)  (Advertisement No. 1/2017) :

Vacancies  :

  1. Professor in various disciplines
  2. Associate Professor in various disciplines
  3. Assistant Professor in various disciplines
  4. Principal, AMU City Girls High School 
  5. Senior Research Assistant
  6. Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) in various subjects
  7. Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) in various subjects
  8. Primary Teacher, AMU Girls School
  9. Assistant DirectorPhysical Education, Games Committee
  10. Medical Officer, Modern Trauma Centre, JNMCH (XII Plan)
  11. Social Worker, Modern Trauma Centre, JNMCH (XII Plan)
  12. Physiotherapist, Modern Trauma Centre, JNMCH (XII Plan)
  13. Pump Operator, Building Department
  14. Stock Verifier, Central Purchase Office
  15. Lekhpal, Property Department
  16. Karinda, Property Department
  17. Technical Assistant in various Departments 
  18. Technical Assistant (Store), Department of Electronics Engineering
  19. Lab Assistant, Department of Applied Physics
  20. Senior Technical Assistant in various Departments
  21. Programme Assistant, Centre of Continuing and Adult Education
  22. Wiremen, Department of Electricity (Works & Maintenance)
  23. Microphotographist, Sir Syed Academy
  24. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) (Admin.) in various centre
  25. Auditorium Incharge-cum-Programme Director, Cultural Education Centre
  26. Assistant (Legal), Property Department
  27. Assistant Matron, J.N. Medical College Hospital
  28. Private Secretary in various centres
  29. Section Officer (Admin.) in various centres
  30. Assistants (Admin.) in various centres
  31. MTS (Line Attendants) in varios centres 

Application Fee :  Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- payable to Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh at State Bank of India, AMU Branch Aligarh (05555),

How to Apply :  Apply in the prescribed format may either be delivered personally at the Reception Counter of Administrative Block or sent by post, super-scribing on the top left of the cover the post applied for, advertisement number and date, to the Deputy Registrar (Selection Committee), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh - 202002 (UP), so as to reach him by 03/03/2017

Details and application format : Kindly visit  http://amuregistrar.com/vacancies.html for complete details of the vacancies and application form is available at http://www.amuregistrar.com/app_form.pdf and also please visit http://www.amuregistrar.com/ for more information. 

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