Monday, 16 April 2018

Assistant Professor Recruitment in IIIT Ranchi

Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Ranchi is an autonomous institute setup by the MHRD, Government of India, and Government of Jharkhand along with the industry partners Tata Motors, TCS and CCL on a Public Private Partnership.

The IIIT Ranchi is funded by Government of India (50%), Government of Jharkhand (35%) and Industry Partners (15%).  IIIT Ranchi is autonomous, not-for-profit, self-sustaining, teaching and research-led education Institution. NIT Jamshedpur is the mentor Institute of IIIT-PPP, Ranchi and Director NIT Jamshedpur is the mentor Director of IIIT-PPP, Ranchi

Applications are invited for the following Faculty vacancy posts in IIIT Ranchi in the field of Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering  on contract basis :


  • Assistant Professor : 08 post (UR-04, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01),  Pay Scale :  Pay Band-3 ₹15600-39100 with Grade Pay of ₹6000 in 6th CPC  

Application fee: Rs. 1500/- for UR and OBC applicants. No application fee is required from SC/ST categories. The Application Fee should be remitted through Demand Draft in favour of IIIT, Ranchi payable at Jamshedpur. Please write Applicant Name / Post / Department applied for on the back of Demand Draft

How to Apply: The duly completed application form along with self-attested copies of relevant testimonials, certificates, enclosures and fee etc. is required to be sent by speed/registered post only  to the Registrar, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur-831014, Jharkhand, India on or before 01/05/2018.

Please visit for detailed information and application format. Published 

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