Monday, 16 April 2018

Non-Technical Vacancy Recruitment in Konkan Railway

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) is a A Government of India Undertaking under Ministry of  Railways having its headquarter at Navi Mumbai is developing and managing the Konkan Railway.  

Online applications for the following  vacancy post of Non Technical popular categories in Operating, Personnel, Accounts Departments of Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) are invited from eligible candidates who are domicile of the states of Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka OR Land loser candidates i.e., those candidates whose land has been acquiredfor Konkan Railway project (Advt. No. CO/P-R/03/2018) :

Job vacancy

  1. Station Master : 55 posts (UR-28, OBC-15, SC-08, ST-04) (Ex.SM-6), Pay Scale :  Level 06 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
  2. Goods Guard : 37 posts (UR-18, OBC-10, SC-06, ST-03) (Ex.SM-4), Pay Scale :  Level 05 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
  3. Accounts Assistant : 11 posts (UR-09, OBC-01, SC-00, ST-01) (Ex.SM-1), Pay Scale :  Level 05 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
  4. Senior Clerk : 10 posts (UR-05, OBC-00, SC-03, ST-02) (Ex.SM-1), Pay Scale :  Level 05 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix
Age : 18-33 years as on  01/07/2018.

Application Fee :  Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC / ST / Ex-Serviceman / Female / Minorities / Economically backward class candidates) to be paid online.

Apply Online at Konkan Railway website on or before 12/05/2018 only. 

Details and Online submission of application

Please visit for details and online application format.  (Please change HTTPS to HTTP if the link is not working)

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