Monday, 16 April 2018

Scientist Vacancy in National Institute of Oceanography (NIO)

The National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), a constituent laboratory laboratory of the CSIR Hq. at Goa conducts research, conducts basic and applied research on various aspects of ocean science. NIO is looking for young and dynamic personnel for the following  Scientific  positions of Scientists in different levels and in different disciplines :

Scientist Vacancies

  • Scientist Group-IV : 20 posts (UR-10, OBC-06, SC-03, ST-01), Pay Scale :  Pay Level - 11 of 7th CPC Rs. 67700-208700, Age : 32 years as on 14/05/2018 

Application Fee: Rs. 100 to be paid online.  SC/ST/PWD/Women/  CSIR  Employees/Abroad Candidates category are exempted from submission of application fee.

Apply Online at NIO website from on or before 14/05/2018    The computer  generated  application  (Print-out)  duly  signed  and  accompanied  by  self  attested  copies  of  the  required edocuments etc. should be sent  in  an  envelope  super-scribed  "Application  for  the  post  of  Scientist"  by  post  to  the  address:-  “The  Controller  of  Administration,  National  Institute  of  Oceanography,  Dona  Paula,  Goa  -  403004 on or before 21/05/2018.

Please visit for details and link to online submission of the application.

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