Friday, 6 April 2018

vacancy by RPSC 2018-19

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) invites Online application for the recruitment  examination for the following   vacancy posts in various disciplines and departments  of  Rajasthan Government (Advt. No. 01-04/2018-19)   :


  1. Sub Inspector / Platoon Commander उप निरीक्षक प्लाटून कमाण्डर :  330 posts for Home  Department  (Advertisement No. 01/2018-19 corrigendum of 05/2016), Age : 20-40 years as on 01/01/2019, Pay Scale :  Pay level-14, Apply online at RPSC website on or before  24/05/2018 only. 
  2. Assistant Town Planner सहायक नगर नियोजक :  10 posts for Urban PlanningDepartment  (Advertisement No. 01/2018-19), Age : 20-40 years as on 01/01/2019, Pay Scale :  Pay level-14, Apply online at RPSC website from 20/04/2018 to 04/05/2018 only. 
  3. RAS/RTS Allied Combined Competitive Examination 2018 :  980 posts of Officers in various services (Advertisement No. 01/2018-19), Age : 21-40 years as on 01/01/2019,  Apply online at RPSC website from 12/04/2018 to 11/05/2018 only. 
  4. Vice Principal/Superintendent ITI) उपाचार्य/अधीक्षक :  45 posts for Technical Education  Department (Advertisement No. 03/2018-19), Age : 20-40 years as on 01/01/2019, Pay Scale :  Pay level-14, Apply online at RPSC website from 26/04/2018 to 15/05/2018 only. 
  5. Group Instructor/Surveyor/Assistant Apprenticeship Advisor-Gr.II अनुदेशक/ सर्वेयर/ सहायक शिक्षुता सलाहकार ग्रुप - II :  34 posts for Technical Education  Department (Advertisement No. 03/2018-19), Age : 20-40 years as on 01/01/2019, Pay Scale :  Pay level-12, Apply online at RPSC website from 26/04/2018 to 15/05/2018 only. 
  6. Group Instructor/Surveyor/Assistant Apprenticeship Advisor-Gr.II अनुदेशक/ सर्वेयर/ सहायक शिक्षुता सलाहकार ग्रुप - II :  02 posts for  TSP Area for Technical Education  Department (Advertisement No. 04/2018-19), Age : 20-40 years as on 01/01/2019, Pay Scale :  Pay level-12, Apply online at RPSC website from 26/04/2018 to 15/05/2018 only.   

Apply Online at RPSC website between  the dates for a particular vacancy as stated above only.

Detailed information and online submission of application 

For complete information and online submission of application, please visit 

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